Friday, August 22, 2014

Meet The Teacher

I am so so excited to begin a new year with you! First graders are the best and I know we will have an awesome year together. I look forward to learning about each of you and I thought I would share some things about myself.
My 3 daughters and I
Macy, Lizzy and Madelyn

 - I am married to Bret and have 4 amazing kiddos.
 - I have 3 dogs and they are very naughty but we love them.
 - Quilting and running are my favorite hobbies.
 - Chinese food is my favorite.
 - I love old houses and shopping for antiques.
 - I think I have the best job ever!

My son, Spencer, who loves fishing!

My husband Bret
Charlie! The biggest of the 3 dogs