Saturday, November 29, 2014


We enjoyed pancakes, together, on the last day before Thanksgiving break. This was a reward for having such good behavior with the guest teacher, when I was gone. I always try to remind them that good choices make everything in life much easier and lead to good pancakes with LOTS of syrup!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Thanksgiving Presentation

It was great seeing so many of you at our performance. The kids were super excited and did a great job. If you were unable to make it, I am uploading the Smilebox Video we made. It shows what the kids are thankful for. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and I THANK YOU for sharing your children with me!
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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Got The Video!!!


Even with the chilly weather, the zoo was a fun place to be on Friday. The kids were introduced to a hedgehog, cockroaches and a laughing kookaburra. We ventured around the zoo grounds and were able to see all the other animals. The kids especially loved the kookaburra and enjoyed making her laugh. I got a video of it on my phone but am having some major technical difficulties getting it onto the blog. I promised the kidddos I would so I will continue to try. It's super cute and I know they would love to show you. Stay tuned...

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thanksgiving Presentation

Your first graders will be putting on a short and sweet presentation on Monday, November 24th at 10:00. Please come, if you are able! They have been working on some Thanksgiving poetry and songs. It should only last about 20 minutes.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The "H Brothers"

You may have observed your child reading along and then they get to a tricky word with th in it. The kids naturally want to sound it out as.... "t" and "h". Learning to blend these digraphs together often takes time, especially since they aren't always at the beginning of the words. They pop up everywhere. We use lots of fun videos and "tricks" in first grade to help children read these digraphs. Here's a fun video that demonstrates this skill.