Sunday, March 22, 2015

Two Vowels Go Walking

Our spelling words, this week, are words with two vowels. All I can say is...tricky, tricky, tricky. Kids must be exposed to these words over and over and simply memorize the spelling. When writing it, they can hear the long vowel but don't know if it's the bossy e or two vowels walking. This weeks blog challenge is to look through newspapers and magazines and cut out 5 words that have the two vowels walking pattern. Glue them on a paper and bring to school to share! Here's a short video to help with the concept!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Learning through Songs

I love that technology has provided me with many amazing resources for teaching. YouTube has so many fun and engaging songs that reinforce a concept. I promised the kids 2 weeks ago, yikes, that I would put this song on the blog. They love it and I have to admit it makes me smile each time we watch it. It's especially fun for me to put it on in class, because I get to see the students sing along and there is a whole lot of head moving going on!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Carnival Basket

A big thank you to all that have sent items for our craft basket. It's looking to be a fun basket for the carnival. The PTA is giving each student who brings an item, a ticket to use at the carnival. I will send these home the day of the carnival so you don't have to worry about keeping track of it!!

Our class snack supply is depleted. Many of you have sent snack several times. If you have not, please consider sending a box of snacks. It's not ever a big snack, but if we skip it..... I hear about it!

Looking forward to a fun, Spring-like week with the kids!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

A new month

It's hard to believe that we are beginning a new month. This week we will begin a new Lead 21 unit and continue to work on greater than, less than in math.
Spelling Challenge: Use each of your spelling words in a sentence. Don't forget to start with a capital and end with punctuation!! Bring it into Mrs. King for a treat. Here is a link for a fun greater than, less than game that the students enjoy: