Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Checking In

I received cards from the kiddos yesterday. They made my day, but the coolest, was my google hangout with the kids last week. Via our laptops, I could see them and they could see me. It was so awesome to see their smiley faces again. I really can't wait to get back. I know there have been questions about how I am doing. I thought this would be the easiest way to update everyone. This isn't really information for the kids, but you can share the info in a way that you find appropriate. I had a double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction on April 17th. After two days in the hospital, I am home recovering. I was diagnosed with Pagets Disease of the Breast and, as expected, I had more cancer within my breast. However, the GREAT news is, it was early stage and chemo won't be needed. Radiation also isn't necessary because of the mastectomy and my lymph nodes were clear. So...when will I be back? I was hoping to be one of those "tough ones" that could be back in two weeks. However, my body is telling me no. I still have two drain tubes in, which would be difficult to deal with at school. Also, there's the fact that I still feel as if I have been hit by a large bus! I am hoping to return on the 11th. I want to return when I know I am healthy and ready to give them all they deserve. Ms. Waterman is doing a wonderful job and I feel so happy they are with a competent and dedicated teacher. Thank you for all your kind words and concerns. I can't wait to return!

Monday, April 13, 2015

While I'm Away

It's official! I'm out of the "office" for about 3 weeks. It was hard to say goodbye on Friday, but I know they are in good hands with Ms. Waterman. I was fortunate to have her shadow me in the classroom so she knows the classroom routines and structure. I told the kids I would try to correspond some through my blog. However, it may be a bit after surgery before I feel up to doing so. I encouraged them to write to me in the classroom and share any concerns. I will miss you all but can't wait to return in May!