Saturday, October 25, 2014

Cross-Text Sharing

Each day we have a block of time called "Read to Self". This is an opportunity for the kids to read books from their browsing boxes. In their boxes, they have books from reading group and books they have "shopped" for from tubs. Rereading familiar text is a key to strengthening fluency.

One day a week, we substitute "read to self" for "read with someone". During this time, the kids pull out their Lead 21 books from their browsing boxes. These are the books that I have read with them at small group. Although their texts are of varying difficulty, they all have the same theme. This month, all of the Lead 21 books have the common theme of "Friends and Family". I try to pair them up with someone from a different reading group. The kids love sharing their books with each other, as you can see in these photos!

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