Saturday, December 13, 2014

First Grade in December

When it gets this close to Christmas, teachers tend to get into survival mode. It's trying to achieve the balance of actually teaching some important curriculum and having some holiday fun....all of this while hearing the question "How many days until Christmas" at least 30 times daily. When at all possible, I try to integrate the curriculum with a holiday theme. It just makes it fun. This week, at work on writing, the kids had to compose a Christmas list. I told them they had to fill the whole list, thinking this would make them stretch and sound out words so much more. I just had to chuckle when I got this list:
In his defense, he did spell toys correctly on every line but didn't do much for my hope of sounding and stretching words. This list sums up the first grade world right now! It was just too cute not to share. I've also posted a video that the kids enjoy. These cute videos work great for transitions to get them quickly to the carpet. 

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