Sunday, December 21, 2014

The kids will be bringing home a snowman template, on Monday. They can decorate it themselves, or it can be a fun family project over the break. The snowmen will be our share topic when we return to school, in January. Please don't feel like you need to spend money to decorate them. The kids are always creative and I can't wait to see their creations!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

First Grade in December

When it gets this close to Christmas, teachers tend to get into survival mode. It's trying to achieve the balance of actually teaching some important curriculum and having some holiday fun....all of this while hearing the question "How many days until Christmas" at least 30 times daily. When at all possible, I try to integrate the curriculum with a holiday theme. It just makes it fun. This week, at work on writing, the kids had to compose a Christmas list. I told them they had to fill the whole list, thinking this would make them stretch and sound out words so much more. I just had to chuckle when I got this list:
In his defense, he did spell toys correctly on every line but didn't do much for my hope of sounding and stretching words. This list sums up the first grade world right now! It was just too cute not to share. I've also posted a video that the kids enjoy. These cute videos work great for transitions to get them quickly to the carpet. 

Saturday, November 29, 2014


We enjoyed pancakes, together, on the last day before Thanksgiving break. This was a reward for having such good behavior with the guest teacher, when I was gone. I always try to remind them that good choices make everything in life much easier and lead to good pancakes with LOTS of syrup!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Thanksgiving Presentation

It was great seeing so many of you at our performance. The kids were super excited and did a great job. If you were unable to make it, I am uploading the Smilebox Video we made. It shows what the kids are thankful for. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and I THANK YOU for sharing your children with me!
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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Got The Video!!!


Even with the chilly weather, the zoo was a fun place to be on Friday. The kids were introduced to a hedgehog, cockroaches and a laughing kookaburra. We ventured around the zoo grounds and were able to see all the other animals. The kids especially loved the kookaburra and enjoyed making her laugh. I got a video of it on my phone but am having some major technical difficulties getting it onto the blog. I promised the kidddos I would so I will continue to try. It's super cute and I know they would love to show you. Stay tuned...

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thanksgiving Presentation

Your first graders will be putting on a short and sweet presentation on Monday, November 24th at 10:00. Please come, if you are able! They have been working on some Thanksgiving poetry and songs. It should only last about 20 minutes.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The "H Brothers"

You may have observed your child reading along and then they get to a tricky word with th in it. The kids naturally want to sound it out as.... "t" and "h". Learning to blend these digraphs together often takes time, especially since they aren't always at the beginning of the words. They pop up everywhere. We use lots of fun videos and "tricks" in first grade to help children read these digraphs. Here's a fun video that demonstrates this skill.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Cross-Text Sharing

Each day we have a block of time called "Read to Self". This is an opportunity for the kids to read books from their browsing boxes. In their boxes, they have books from reading group and books they have "shopped" for from tubs. Rereading familiar text is a key to strengthening fluency.

One day a week, we substitute "read to self" for "read with someone". During this time, the kids pull out their Lead 21 books from their browsing boxes. These are the books that I have read with them at small group. Although their texts are of varying difficulty, they all have the same theme. This month, all of the Lead 21 books have the common theme of "Friends and Family". I try to pair them up with someone from a different reading group. The kids love sharing their books with each other, as you can see in these photos!

Sunday, October 19, 2014


QR codes are a great tool to use in the classroom. The students are interested in them and always feel like they are solving a mystery. The uses for the codes are endless! Some of my favorites uses are scanning a code to link to a story, on the iPad, and scanning to solve word riddles.

The kids have been sharing with me their observations of QR codes in their environment. Recently, during lunch, the kiddos discovered a QR code on a box of raisins....excitement! This week for our morning meeting share topic, I would like the students to bring in a QR code that they find. HINT: The newspaper usually is a sure bet for finding a code. I realize the content of the codes won't always be of interest, to first graders, it's simply fun to share their discovery of a code!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Mercy Watson

Mercy Watson read-alouds have been a favorite! Mercy is a cute pig who will do anything for hot buttered toast! The publisher has a great website full of Mercy Watson activities. If you have time, check it out:

Here's an at home challenge. Have your child make a drawing of his/her favorite Mercy Watson character. Write two sentences explaining why they picked the character. Bring it to school to share at morning meeting!

Squeakers has loved going home with families on the weekends. Please note the volunteer spot button, on the blog. This is an easy way for families to sign up for Squeakers.

Also, I am searching for a wagon that we can use to transport iPads from room to room. If you have an old wagon, that your family doesn't use anymore, please contact me.

Saturday, October 4, 2014


Fun Friday continues to be a weekly favorite. The kids accumulate "golden tickets" all week for various good deeds. On Friday afternoon, tickets are counted and the kids with the highest number pick their Fun Friday activity first.  Here are some pictures of the kids at their choices!

Teacher Whiteboard- They created their own "Morning Message"





Sunday, September 28, 2014


I have added a link, called Volunteer Spot. You can easily click this to sign up to help with Squeakers for the weekend. Please note: There are some longer weekends for MEA, Thanksgiving and Christmas!

Number Bonds

A math standard we work on, in first grade, is adding numbers to 20. The kids always do well with finding a strategy to do this, usually counting on or the use of a number line. We also use number bonds to help show the kiddos what it really means to add numbers together. Partners worked together to come up with possible combinations of numbers, using cubes. They then put the combinations into the number bond form.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Word Walls

Classroom word walls serve an important purpose. They are a constant reference to the children for sight words. Obviously, every word can't be added to the word wall. The word wall is saved for high-priority sight words. They are those words that we want kids to know how to write quickly, "fluently". After the words are added to the wall, the kids are expected to spell them correctly, either by knowing them or looking to the wall for help. A word isn't added to the wall until we have done work with it during spelling time. At this point, we have very few words up. They are words that the kiddos worked on in Kindergarten.

Here's a homework challenge: Using these 4 word wall words: like, can, the, will, compose 4 sentences. Each sentence should contain one of the sight words. Remember.... each sentence must start with a capital, have finger spaces and include punctuation. Bring in the sentences to share with your classmates!!

 It was great meeting with so many of you at Open House. This is a great group of kids with a great group of parents, and I look forward to our year together!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Meet Squeakers

We have a very special member of our class....Squeakers! The kids love this cute little guinea pig. He's very entertaining and loves the attention of the children. Thanks for sending him veggie treats. Through read alouds, we have gained some knowledge about our little class pet, but this video provides some more fun facts.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Building a Community

We are off and running! Our first two weeks have been full of activities that help us get acquainted and build a positive classroom community that is so vital. A big part of back to school is procedures, procedures and MORE procedures. It is so important to take time, in the beginning, to work on procedures and routines. The time we take, early on, helps us to work well throughout the whole year.

The kids are working on "rainbow" names to display in the classroom.
 Playing Pass the Paper! Kids work as a team to try to write to 120.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Meet The Teacher

I am so so excited to begin a new year with you! First graders are the best and I know we will have an awesome year together. I look forward to learning about each of you and I thought I would share some things about myself.
My 3 daughters and I
Macy, Lizzy and Madelyn

 - I am married to Bret and have 4 amazing kiddos.
 - I have 3 dogs and they are very naughty but we love them.
 - Quilting and running are my favorite hobbies.
 - Chinese food is my favorite.
 - I love old houses and shopping for antiques.
 - I think I have the best job ever!

My son, Spencer, who loves fishing!

My husband Bret
Charlie! The biggest of the 3 dogs